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Sitting high on a hill, overlooking the rural splendour of middle England, dominating the little village below, sits Nuryan School. When one misty night Murphy, the leader of a local gang of bikers vanishes after a run in with some of the Nuryan pupils, the suspicion falls squarely on them, heightening the tension between the villagers and the mysterious Nuryans.

Freddie Saint is one of the few who sees it differently, but that is because of his feelings for one of the pupils the beautiful Carla. But Carla is in trouble, and harbours a terrifying secret that could mean death, for her or for others. The mystery of the vicious murder deepens as expectations are constantly usurped, and tensions grow. Who will be the latest victims of the violence sweeping through the quiet community, and who is ultimately responsible?

A fast paced, taughtly exciting thriller, Nuryan is a contemporary shocker with a core of genuine mystery that will confound even the most seasoned of genre veterans.

Tag Line:
two sides to everyone

©MWS Films (MWS Media) 2009 - Working Title: Nuryan -